Donate Items
Donations are kindly accepted and may be delivered to:
Twin Lakes Food Bank
327 Montrose Drive
Folsom, CA 95630
Twin Lakes Food Bank does not accept donations of clothing or household items

Monday 8:00am-11:30am
Tuesday—Friday 8:00am-12:00pm
Needed Items
- Food and More
Most needed food items:
- canned main dish (stew, chili with meat, ravioli, etc.)
- soup
- cereal
- canned meat (tuna, chicken)
- tomato products (sauce, stewed, diced, paste)
Other items:
- nutritional drinks, like Ensure
- pet food
- baby wipes
- laundry soap
- dish soap
- Hygiene Products
- Hygiene Products
Hygiene Products
- shampoo/conditioner (regular size)
- shaving supplies
- soap/body wash (regular size)
- feminine products
- adult diapers
- children’s diapers, sizes 4 and 5
Travel size items needed for kits that we assemble for local unhoused.
- shampoo and conditioner
- soap/body wash
- individually wrapped toothbrush
- toothpaste and mouthwash
- tissue or wipe pack
- band aids
- hand cleaner
- deodorant
- lip balm
- sunscreen
- comb
- Produce
It’s that time of year, and trees are overflowing with fruit all over Folsom. If you have extra fruit or produce, please consider donating them to Twin Lakes Food Bank. Our guests love fresh fruits and vegetables! You can drop off the produce during the food bank’s regular hours.
If you are unable to harvest the produce yourself, contact Garden Coordinator Michelle Kwek at She can help coordidnate volunteers to come harvest the produce for the Twin Lakes Food Bank.